Saxon Holt photographs Gamble Garden

Gamble Garden was honored to host photographer Saxon Holt in a special photography session for his new book on summer dry gardens. His work has been featured in diverse publications from Architectural Digest and Pacific Horticulture Magazine, to Smithsonian and MoneyMagazine along with most major book publishers, as well as calendars, newspapers, and note cards.  He licenses his garden photography stock photos at where he also teaches garden photography and contributes to a Learning Center on the art of garden photography.

Holt began his career in commercial photography, then focused on garden photography, where he quickly developed a reputation as a photographer with a distinct vision and understanding of plants and landscapes.  His work has been featured in diverse publications from Architectural Digest and Pacific Horticulture Magazine, tSmithsonian and MoneyMagazine along with most major book publishers, as well as calendars, newspapers, and note cards.  He licenses his garden photography stock photos at where he also teaches garden photography and contributes to a Learning Center on the art of garden photography.

Holt’s photographs showcase Gamble in all its glory, capturing all the lush, colorful detail in each plant and flower. He has graciously allowed Gamble Garden the use of his images and we are proud to share a selection with you. All images are the property of Saxon Holt and may not be reproduced, distributed, or used without his permission.