“Gamble Garden is truly a garden for all. When you come, find one special tree or flower that speaks to you, and visit it each time you return. Then you will unlock the wonder of the garden and its magic in every season. Make the second Saturday of every month your time to connect with the tranquility, beauty and wonder of nature!” — Mary Powell, Second Saturday Committee Chair
Second Saturday participants go away with new skills of observation and a deeper understanding of plants, their life cycles, and the beauty in nature and gardens. But don’t expect to learn a lot of Latin plant names on Second Saturday ( though many of our plants have labels for these.). Instead, be prepared to use your five senses and your sense of curiosity as guides ask you, “what do you notice? What do you wonder? And what does it remind you of?”
Second Saturday would not be possible without the Garden Guides, an amazing group of volunteers that plan and lead the activities. Garden Guides is made up of women, and men, from ages 14 – 90, representing the rich diversity and demographics of Silicon Valley. Approximately thirty people are dedicated to sharing their love of the garden and the historical house with families and visitors of all ages.